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Cassandra Taylor

Cassandra Taylor received her Bachelor’s in English (Writing Concentration) and Master of Library Science from Middle Tennessee State University. She has worked in public libraries and higher education for the past five years and also taught General English for college. Cassandra is the Program Specialist for Adult Literacy at Nashville Public Library where her goal is to provide equal access and educate library patrons about the diverse resources available at NPL.

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2024 Adult Education Spring Summit and Adult Educator of the Year

May 15, 2024 Marked the 8th Annual Adult Education Spring Summit! This is a free professional conference for adult education providers, administrators, and students at the Main Branch of Nashville Public Library. This event is able to be held each year through generous donations from the Nashville Public Library Foundation and the Dollar General Literacy Foundation, wherein the Adult Educator of the Year for Davidson County is recognized and offered a minigrant from the Dollar General Literacy Foundation. 

Adventures for the New Year, Adult Literacy Book Picks to Inspire Reading

Here are some of the Adult Literacy Staff's favorite picks from the Fresh Reads collection to inspire reading in the New Year. These titles seek to test the limits of our world and existence. Fresh Reads is a stigma-free book collection explicitly designed for adults learning to read. These are great resources for native English-speaking adults who are developing basic literacy and adults learning English as a second language.